What Is an RFID Lock System?

Mar 20, 2024 | Uncategorized

RFID (radio-frequency identification) technology has been a staple of retail security for many years now. It’s a foundational element for all kinds of loss prevention and inventory management strategies. It’s versatile, it’s affordable, and most of all, it just works.

Still, there are more uses for this versatile technology than you might have previously thought. One of these promising applications is in the corner of access control, where RFID lock systems can offer superior convenience and security with the same familiar technology. 

Understanding the RFID Lock System

At its core, an RFID lock system is an innovative access control solution that upgrades a traditional lock-and-key model to one of electronic readers and customizable access. With embedded RFID chips, which are unobtrusive and easily programmed, an RFID lock system is able to streamline access protocols with all kinds of conveniences. Here’s how it works:

RFID Key Generation

Authorized users (i.e., your employees) can be provided with keycards or fobs containing an RFID chip. These store credential information, allowing the system to grant access accordingly.

RFID Readers

Doorways, safes, and other important access points can be equipped with readers to detect RFID tags. These devices emit a radio wave to activate any chips nearby, effectively acting as a touchless key.

Authentication Process

To gain access, the user need only hold their RFID-equipped card or fob up to the reader. In an instant, the information is transferred and verified against the access control database. If a match is found, the lock system turns and access is granted.
